Salvation Through Jesus Christ

Our Mission is to witness the truth of the
Gospel of Jesus Christ.
-Luke 24:13-35-
To minister to the residents & visitors
of the Mesquite area.
-Mark 10:45-
To open our doors as a place of worship &
a source of spiritual growth.
-1 Corinthians 1:9-

Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m.
Every Week Communion
Sunday Bible Study 8:30 a.m.
Sunday Fellowship after Service
Our Circuit Mission Organization
TSC Mission Support
~ to expand God's Kingdom in our circuits
(29/30 of Pacific Southwest District)
tri-state area ~
Every Week Communion
Sunday Bible Study 8:30 a.m.
Sunday Fellowship after Service
Our Circuit Mission Organization
TSC Mission Support
~ to expand God's Kingdom in our circuits
(29/30 of Pacific Southwest District)
tri-state area ~
A Brief History of our Service in Jesus Christ Ministry Staff
First Public Worship Service November 2nd, 1997 Rev. David Constien, Pastor
State of NV charter as non-profit corp. May 27, 1998 February 11, 2018 -
First recorded Baptism November 27th, 1998 [email protected]
Congregational Member of the Pacific Southwest District Claudia Havens, Director of Music
of The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod on December 21st, 1999 [email protected]
3.5 acres purchased for Church building 2002 Brandy Sula, Childcare Center
First Golf Tournament-2002; For Childcare Ctr-2007 [email protected]
Church Building Dedicated November 16, 2003
Building dedication for Mesquite Lutheran Childcare Center Jan. 10, 2010 Office Hours by Appointment
First Public Worship Service November 2nd, 1997 Rev. David Constien, Pastor
State of NV charter as non-profit corp. May 27, 1998 February 11, 2018 -
First recorded Baptism November 27th, 1998 [email protected]
Congregational Member of the Pacific Southwest District Claudia Havens, Director of Music
of The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod on December 21st, 1999 [email protected]
3.5 acres purchased for Church building 2002 Brandy Sula, Childcare Center
First Golf Tournament-2002; For Childcare Ctr-2007 [email protected]
Church Building Dedicated November 16, 2003
Building dedication for Mesquite Lutheran Childcare Center Jan. 10, 2010 Office Hours by Appointment